The “Gallery” menu is available only when you view a file containing the results of a simulation. To each row in the result table we associate a “data node”. You will find one “data node” for each “model node” where at least one of the “Sim.”, “Crit.” or “Sens.” properties were checked during the simulation. A “data node” contains the simulation results and statistics for its corresponding “model node”, and has the same name as this “model node”. Scale… Based on the set of result values for a “data node”, DynRisk assesses a default “scale” for this object. This scale is used to determine the axis in “S-curves”, “histograms” etc. To change the scale of a “data node”, select it by clicking its icon, and choose the “Scale…” command. By using the “Scale…” command, you can override the default scale, and sometimes improve the plots. This is particularly useful if you want to produce plots containing e.g., S-curves for three different data nodes in the same diagram. You can then use the “Scale…” command to make sure that all three data nodes have the same scale parameters, and then copy all the S-curves into a single diagram using “Copy” and “Paste” from the “Edit” menu. Note that the way DynRisk handles scales is affected by the “Autoscale plots” option. This option is controlled by using the “Data file options…” command in the “Preferences” submenu of the “File” menu. If you leave “Autoscale plots” checked, DynRisk will use the current scale settings (i.e., either the default scale or the scale you specified using the “Scale…” command) each time you produce a plot. If, on the other hand, “Autoscale plots” is unchecked, DynRisk will ask you to choose a scale before drawing the plot. Finally, note that the “Autoscale plots” option is temporarily reversed if you press the “Shift key” on the keyboard while choosing the plot command from the menu or toolbar.